Hydrographic Map

Lake Clear is app. 6 miles long and between 3/4 and 1 1/2 miles wide. (9.6 km X 1.2 to 2.4 km) The bottom structure is soft at the west end with shallow weed growth. From the first island on eastward, the bottom becomes mostly rocky with small, sandy pockets in some of the back bays. There are growths of aquatic grasses, such as wild rice and saw grass, near the outlets of creeks and towards Little Lake Clear. (Pike are most frequently found in these areas.) There are app. eighteen islands in the lake, depending on exactly what constitutes an island to you. (Generally, if it is large enough to support a few trees, I call it an island.) Many of these islands are crown land, but a few are privately owned. Most noteworthy of these is Turner’s Island, which is the largest on the lake.